
We are strongly focused on completing our daily tasks in a safe manner, looking out for our fellow employees and ultimately being proud of what we do.

We follow safety directives robustly and live the mantra – a safety program isn’t created once and forgotten. We continuously evaluate where all our policies and practices stand on each project. Beyond our safety program, we work hard to build a strong safety culture within our company every day of the week.

Safety Policies

Mining is governed by MSHA standards to help keep workers safe, and we think that’s a good thing. But not enough. Our safety policies we follow are tougher than MSHA because safety to us is way more than compliance.

Safety Training

Mining can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. That’s why we invest in diligent safety training by mining professionals to keep every worker safe.

Safety Audit

We conduct thorough and routine safety audits every day. Not just when management is around, not just for our safety team, but every day we are working to keep employees safe.

Annual Training

We do MSHA Part 46 & 48 annual trainings for all miners as required. But we don’t stop there. We are building a safety program that encourages life-long learning.

Daily Pre-Shift Safety Talks

We conduct daily safety talks focused on the most likely scenarios that our employees will face on the job.

Safety Citations

We believe in total transparency with our clients and employees regarding citations and shortcomings. Discussing why we fell short is the only way to avoid citations and accidents in the future.